How do I tell the story?

YAMMERINGSToday is February 23, 2024. I thought I would dust off the blog feature of my website and start typing and seeing were things go. I really trying to push away the doubts and fears of starting something new that comes with this sort of thing, so here goes. INSTAGRAM SADNESSI've recently been mourning theContinue reading "How do I tell the story?"

One Month In! (Update #3)

Hello! Long time no write! I've made a decision - no longer will there be weekly emails. Instead, there will be when-they-come-out-because-I’m-busy-and-don’t-want-to-pressure-myself-into-a-rigid-structure emails. But that’s a mouth full (or an eye-full as I’m sure most of you are reading this to yourself and not out-loud. Unless this transcript is one of the last found shredsContinue reading "One Month In! (Update #3)"

We’re back and better than ever! (Kansas Week 2)

Happy Sunday y'all! This one is out a little later than intended, but it's ok, I think I’ll just start putting these out on the weekends. This week I started working for Beau and Kristen Davidson of Laird Woodland Farm. This past week’s tasks included harvesting some eastern red cedar logs to use as posts forContinue reading "We’re back and better than ever! (Kansas Week 2)"

“Toto, I don’t think we’re in Indiana anymore”(Kansas, Week 1)

Greetings one and all, and welcome to my (hopefully) weekly update emails about my time in Kansas. For those of you who do not know, just over a week ago I arrived in Harper, Kansas. I started my two day drive on July 4th and sailed into town in the afternoon of the 5th. ItContinue reading "“Toto, I don’t think we’re in Indiana anymore”(Kansas, Week 1)"